becoming a mother, i was worried i had just entered another phase of life without sunday naps -- especially since baby girl doesn't usually sleep for long periods of time during the day.
but, happily, baby girl is also a lover of the sunday nap. ever since we started going to church two months ago, she's ready for a long nap when we get home. baby girl will sleep a good two hours or more while mr. pike and i also get in some zzzs. it's a wonderful treat! at least for now, the tradition lives on . . . .
Yes, something about napping on Sundays is better than any other day, though I will admit to being a fan of Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday etc naps as well. I'm glad you get to enjoy them for now. We still enjoy them. Four hours of church wears babies out.
Sleeping with little babies is the best. They're so soft and angelic when they sleep (unfortunately now always the case when they wake up).
I remember looking forward to Sunday naps as a returned missionary, too. I'm glad your little girl keeps good traditions. It's so fun reading your posts of things I can look forward to in the next few months.
That's Great!! She is getting so big! I wish we could hold her at least every other day! :(
P.S. Mark says to tell you all hello!
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