Sunday, March 6, 2011

when you need to hide

so there's a little girl in our home who thinks when she covers her face that she's hiding. this is especially convenient when you've asked her to do something she doesn't want to do. little girl thinks she's escaped from the law.

sometimes i pretend with her and say, "where'd she go?" which gets a few giggles from behind her little hands.

today mr. pike wanted to have a chat about asking permission to use things that don't belong to us. and little girl went into hiding. even when mr. pike picked her up, she kept on hiding.

i couldn't help but laugh thinking about how this conversation would go. especially with little girl thinking she wasn't even a part of it. mr. pike left the room with little girl since i wasn't helping the situation with my laughter. mr. pike told me later that my giggles only were encouraging little girl's behavior. and i agree. it was just one of those moments i couldn't keep it together.


kim said...

i think when mr pike told you that your giggles wernt helping you should have gone into hiding too.. just saying.

Becca said...

Little kids are so funny. If we play hide and seek with Ella she hides first and then comes out to help us "seek" her. Sometimes you just have to giggle.

And congrats on the moving? Are you all buying? I'm excited to hear the update. Shoot me an email if you're up to it.