Thursday, January 10, 2013

play time

i'm not always very good at being a hands-on play mom.  i don't always have the patience or time to sit and play with the kids.  and i'm trying to keep the kids from spending too much time in front of the tv.  (which is little girl's favorite pastime.)

so, i've been looking for new activities for the kids to do.  things they can do together or by themselves.

and while searching the worldwide web, i came across a great recipe for play dough.  in the home i grew up in, play dough was banned.  my mom said it was messy and got all over.  and as a mom, i have found that she is right.

but, i thought i'd try again with a homemade variety.  mostly because i liked all the vivid colors i could make using jell-o packets.  (and it really smells fantastic!)

the kids are getting better at staying at their table to play.  although that is a more difficult task for little boy, as well as not eating the dough.  (but at least this variety is all-natural.)

and when i read this article, also from modern parents messy kids, exalting the benefits of play dough play, i decided that the mess was worth developing fine motor skills and muscle development.  at least every once in a while.

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