Tuesday, October 18, 2011

salted caramel chocolate shortbread

yes, that's a pretty hefty name. think of it -- a soft, chewy layer of shortbread topped with rich, creamy caramel. then add a layer of chocolate. and if it couldn't get any better, sprinkle it all with a little sea salt.

i made these for a good friend's baby shower. and mr. pike was worried i wouldn't leave any for him. but this recipe made more than enough for the party and for the both of us to enjoy for days after.

it is like heaven. it is that good. try it.

i found this annie-eats recipe on pinterest. you can find it here or here.

do any of you out there pin, too? it's my new love. what a great way to organize all the ideas/recipes/inspiration that can be found on this world wide web!

you should try it out if you haven't, along with these bars. they are worth the effort, every bite.

1 comment:

Baby Oven said...

I pin, and I stalk, I mean follow, you. :) You are very creative and I love seeing what you are up to.